
How To Not Fail As A Father

Why Your Kids Keep Going and Going...

Published 19 days ago • 1 min read

Can we borrow joy from our kids?

The word borrow is a bit misleading… Kids naturally have so much joy in their lives that they wouldn’t notice if we did borrow some, but the reality is that it’s not a zero-sum game. When we gain joy from their joy, they lose nothing. It’s not a 1-for-1 trade like most of our adult world is.

Just like how they seem to leave a mess in any room they walk through, they also leave energy, laughter & excitement… we just might not notice.

Like dirty fingerprints on everything they touch, their joy leaves marks all through our lives… if we let it.

The times where they laugh uncontrollably…
Sing at the top of their lungs…
Play creatively without an outside care…
Bounce of the walls with endless energy…
Scream and yell and blow our ears out as they run past…
Can we use these moments to share in their joy instead of reasons to get annoyed at them?

Remember the Energizer Bunny commercials? My kids seem to just “keep going and going and going…” At the end of a long day (or the beginning of one), it’s easy to think I don’t have the energy for this!

What if my perception was all wrong?
What if, instead of my kids boundless energy being a drain on me, it was supposed to energize me?

Can you take just a few minutes to watch and enjoy the presence of your kids?
Can you let them bless you with their energy?
Can you borrow their joy, without the need to ever repay any of it?

Let them remind you why you work so hard to take care of and provide for them.
Let them be the Energizer bunny that recharges your joy and fulfillment every day.

When we borrow their joy, we too can “keep going and going and going…”

P.S. When you're ready, there are 3 ways that I can help you:

  1. Book a FREE 45-Minute "Power Session" Trouble shoot, get some outside perspective on what you're struggling with, ask for advice or learn more about 1-on-1 coaching & the Men's Groups... This session is FREE with no strings attached. No hard-close sales pitch.
  2. Apply for one of the Men's Groups: Join a small group of men forming an environment of brotherhood & accountability to grow into uncommon men, husbands and fathers.
  3. Apply for 1-on-1 Coaching: Focused, personalized 1-on-1 attention and accountability to go deep on your inner journey with an experienced guide. Firm but caring accountability from another man is a game-changer.

How To Not Fail As A Father

by Locke Haman

Lessons, advice & perspectives from my mistakes as a father to challenge you & hold you accountable to becoming the Hero in your family's story, not the Villain.

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